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Appendix 6
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Appendix 6: Further reading

Discipleship and the Christian Mind (all are recommended):

  • Alexander, Denis 2008, Creation or Evolution: do we have to choose?. Monarch, Oxford UK. A superb review of the question based thoroughly in bible and up to date science. Review pdf
  • Alexander, Denis & White, Robert S, 2004, Beyond Belief, science, faith and ethical challenges, Lion, Oxford, UK. An excellent and readable account of the nature of science and it relates to faith, as well as discussion of modern ethical issues.
  • Collins, Francis S. 2006, The Language of God - a scientist presents evidence for belief, Free Press, Simon & Schuster, New York. An inspiring introduction to belief in God through the wonder of science, written by the Head of the Human Genome Project. Review pdf
  • Costa, Ken, 2016 God at Work, Thomas Nelson, UK. An excellent book on flourishing constructively in the vocational workplace. Review pdf and see also
  • D'Souza, Dinesh, 2007, What's so Great about Christianity, Tyndale House, 308 pp plus notes and index. A very worthwhile book covering science, philosophy and morality in the context of atheist critique. Review pdf
  • Keller, Timothy, 2008, The Reason for God - Belief in an Age of Scepticism. Hodder, UK. A very valuable book showing the reasonableness of faith on a number of bases, and how objections to faith are ultimately inconsistent.
  • Keller, Tim, 2012, Every Good Endeavour - connecting our work to God's plan for the world. Hodder, UK. A very valuable book showing work as participation in God's plan ultimately for renewing his creation.
  • Lewis, C.S. 1960, The Four Loves, Harper Collins, London. A classic approach to understanding the different kinds of affection between people.
  • Rosner, Brian 2004, Beyond Greed, Matthias Media, Sydney. A guide on how to live and retain proper trust in God in a materialist society. It includes a good chapter on prosperity doctrine, and eight topic articles by other writers.
  • Rosner, Brian, 2017, Known by God, a biblical theology of personal identity, Zondervan, Michigan. Expounds the biblical theme of being known by God as his children.
  • Stott, John 2010, The Radical Disciple, IVP Nottingham, UK. A succinct book from a famous author.
  • Warren, Rick 2002, The Purpose-driven Life, Zondervan. A very practical unfolding exposition of God's purposes in the life of each disciple, and how to put into effect their implications.
  • Wright, Tom, 2006, Simply Christian, SPCK, London. This book is stunning for the fresh way it looks at familiar material. "Not since C.S.Lewis's Mere Christianity has there been such a thrilling attempt to re-express the heart of the Christian faith and the transformation it offers to every area of personal and social life." Review pdf
  • Wright, Tom, 2009, Surprised by Hope, SPCK, London. This is a magnificent book in providing a fulsome vision of the implications of the resurrection on our daily life and work.
  • Wyatt, John, 2009, Matters of Life and Death - Human dilemmas in the light of the Christian faith, IVP Nottingham, UK (2nd edn). An excellent book of a range of medical ethical issues.
  • Yancey, Philip 1997, What's so Amazing about Grace, Zondervan, Grand Rapids. An inspiring book on a fundamental Christian reality.

Relationships and sex (all are recommended):

  • Allberry, Sam, 2015, Is God anti-gay? The Good Book Company. Excellent small book by SSA author.
  • Chapman, Gary, 1995, The Five Love Languages, Northfield Publ., Chicago. Also 2004, Five Love Languages for Singles, and 2005 Five Love languages for Teenagers. Practical and insightful analysis of romantic interaction.
  • Chester, Tim, 2010, Captured by a Better Vision - Living porn-free, IVP Nottingham. A valuable book on this topic.
  • Harris, Joshua, 2000, 2005, Boy Meets Girl - say hello to courtship, Multnomah Publ, Oregon. (Courtship = dating with purpose) A positive and practical guide to unfolding relationships, highly recommended despite US cultural bias. It has a very valuable final section on assessing compatibility. Recommended.
  • Harrison, Glynn, 2017, A Better Story - God, sex and human flourishing, IVP UK. A valuable account of how the sexual revolution since 1960s has accentuated the minority position of Christian morality.
  • Rosenau, Doug & Wilson, Michael Todd, 2006, Soul Virgins - redefining single sexuality, Baker Books, Grand Rapids. A comprehensive and wholesome treatment of sexuality. Talks about the relationship continuum. Apart perhaps from the title, first class!
  • Shaw, Ed, 2015, The plausibility Problem - the church and same-sex attraction, IVP. An excellent book on the subject.
  • Struthers, William M, 2009, Wired for Intimacy - how pornography hijacks the male brain, IVP Illinois. A good account of how pornography disrupts relationships by changing how the brain works, and what can be done in recovery.
  • Weerakoon, Patricia, 2012, Teen Sex, by the book, Anglican Youthworks, Sydney. A good explicit book which also covers pornography and cyber issues.
  • Winner, Lauren F. 2005, RealSex - the naked truth about chastity, Brazos Press, Grand Rapids, Mich. Valuable and outspoken, authentic in its approach to premarital sex and how it is experienced and understood. Recommended.
  • is an Australian Christian web site for teenage males and deals sensibly with a wide range of questions for that age group. (books by Kaz Cooke are recommended for teenage girls.)