Appendix 4: Our bodies and what we do with them
"Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit ... Therefore honour God in your body". 1 Cor 6:19-20.
As a group activity, discuss the body in relation to its uses, abuses, indulgence, etc for each of:
- Exercise
- Fitness
- Diet
- Inoculations
- Overeating
- Pornography
- Arts
- Movies
- Reading
- Passive TV watching (sit in front of it and see what's on)
- Tattoos, piercings
- Make-up/perfume
- Smoking
- Drinking alcohol
- Drugs
- Masturbation
- Sexual promiscuity
- Bungee jumping
- Playing Rugby
- Extreme sports
- Risqué/salacious humour, dirty jokes
- Swearing
- Casual nudity
- ...Add your own!